Action Alert!
Speaking to The Washington Post, a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) epidemiologist is encouraging women aged 18-26 to get the HPV vaccine.
This advice, along with health authorities encouraging young girls (and boys) to get vaccinated for HPV, ignores mounting evidence that the HPV vaccine is among the most dangerous vaccines out there. A World Health Organization study demonstrated that the vaccination has a tendency to produce clusters of serious adverse events. Other evidence indicates that the HPV vaccine is responsible for more adverse events than any other vaccine.
This is just the tip of the iceberg. Consider these facts. About 50% of sexually active men and women acquire the HPV virus at some point in their lives. If a woman who has been exposed to certain strains of the virus submits to HPV vaccination, some studies suggest that the risk of developing pre-cancerous lesions may increase by as much as 44%. The point is that there are serious questions about the safety of this vaccine that should be answered before government health officials issue blanket recommendations for women and girls to get vaccinated for HPV.
There are, of course, alternatives to the HPV vaccine. Experts who study HPV explain that cervical cancer has been proven to be virtually 100% preventable through regular cervical screening with Pap smears and HPV testing. In the words of Dr. Sin Hang Lee, who specializes in HPV detection, “the proposal of adding general HPV vaccination to a well-screened women population is superfluous.” Except, of course, if you are the manufacturer of that vaccine.
Are parents or adult women considering HPV vaccination provided these facts by their doctors before receiving the vaccination, so they can make an informed choice? As with other vaccines, the risk/benefit is not typically communicated to patients, which is why it is up to the individual to get educated and to speak up when vaccine exemptions are threatened.
Action Alert! Write to the CDC and tell them that it is madness to recommend a dangerous vaccine that can increase women’s risk of cancer. Please send your message immediately.
Also, check out our new video on the subject.]]>